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Aplomado falcon bird

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.”

William Shenstone
Some design considerations…

Asking ChatGPT:
I want to post a beautiful photo of a Aplomado falcon bird, together with this quote:

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth,
and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.”

Somehow the photo, with the bird looking straight into the camera and raising its wings fits to the text; indicating some form of pretending, intimidating. Yet, the bird feels too pure, too natural, too innocent for the text.


Your desire to create a harmonious blend of image and text is commendable. To address the dissonance between the pure, innocent nature of the Aplomado falcon and the quote’s theme of deception, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Contrast through Composition: Utilize the contrast between the majestic presence of the falcon and the deceptive nature of the quote. For instance, you could capture the falcon perched on a branch, its sharp gaze juxtaposed against the serene backdrop of nature, symbolizing the duality of truth and falsehood.
  2. Visual Metaphors: Incorporate visual elements that symbolize the theme of deception alongside the falcon. This could involve capturing the bird in a forest where shadows play tricks with light, or amidst a flock of other birds, subtly hinting at the idea of blending in or masking one’s true nature.
  3. Subtle Editing: Consider applying subtle edits to the image to enhance the thematic connection. For example, you could adjust the lighting to cast a shadow over part of the falcon’s face, creating an aura of ambiguity or mystery that complements the quote’s message.
  4. Narrative Context: Provide context for the image and quote pairing by crafting a brief narrative that ties them together. This could involve explaining the significance of the falcon’s appearance or behavior in relation to the theme of deception, adding depth and meaning to the overall message.

By carefully integrating these elements, you can create a visually compelling and thematically resonant composition that effectively communicates the nuanced interplay between truth and falsehood.

Words about words…

A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth…

“… and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.”

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