Author: Holger Hubbs
Hawkins on Consciousness, Emotions, and Healing
“‘Letting Go’ presents a practical method for personal transformation through the conscious release of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. By continuously surrendering resistance, individuals can move towards higher states of consciousness, experience greater well-being, and realize their true potential.”
Breathing Room: Sacred Relationship & The Seven Gemstones of Fulfillment
What you long for is longing for you. The journey to fulfillment of the soul begins, in the recognition that the desire and longing you feel, whether it seems directed toward the longing for Love in a human relationship or toward a spiritual relationship with God, is already sacredness appearing within you.
Love IS…
All emotion arises and dies in love. Everything else is emotivity, states, transitions, all feeling that is in time and space, bound to an object.
The text introduces a compelling approach to personal transformation through the practice of simple rest, non-judgment, and the recognition of our inherent freedom. By understanding the nature of “old mind” and cultivating the open awareness of “new mind,” one can experience a deep and lasting sense of well-being that is both timeless and available to…
Meister Eckhart Podcast #1
Meister Eckhart’s writings present a complex and challenging vision of the divine, emphasizing the transcendence of God, the immanence of God in the soul, and the call for a radical detachment as the path to union with God. His work remains a powerful source of inspiration and contemplation for those seeking a deeper understanding of…
The purpose of non-dual spirituality
“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot
acim: an attack upon myself
“…After you have named each outcome of which you are afraid, tell yourself…”
Please hear what I am not saying
“Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear for I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off, and none of them is me.”
the fact of your own being
“That presence of awareness is non-conceptual. You don’t have to hold a concept about it. It’s ever fresh because it has no beginning and no end. It is self-shining like the sun. It shines of itself. It doesn’t need a light to say ‘I am shining’. And that is what it is, just that which…
NOW is the only “time” one is ever concerned with.
THINKING ACTS LIKE A VEIL Look at a flower. We see it now. We behold its form now. We are aware of the flower, right here, right now…