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Category: BasicWisdoms.com

  • The Great Way is Not Difficult

    The Great Way is Not Difficult

    “Seng Tsan’s ‘The Great Way is Not Difficult’ provides a guide for achieving liberation by understanding the illusory nature of our perceived reality. It advocates for a radical shift in perspective by letting go of preferences, opinions, attachments and the duality of the mind. The path outlined is one of embracing emptiness, living in the…

  • THE NEW MIND WISDOM – Candice ODenver

    THE NEW MIND WISDOM – Candice ODenver

    The text introduces a compelling approach to personal transformation through the practice of simple rest, non-judgment, and the recognition of our inherent freedom. By understanding the nature of “old mind” and cultivating the open awareness of “new mind,” one can experience a deep and lasting sense of well-being that is both timeless and available to…

  • A drink of Love ❤️

    A drink of Love ❤️

    Thank you Ralph! I know the way you can getwhen you have not had a drink of Love: Your face hardens,your sweet muscles cramp.children become concernedabout a strange look that appears in your eyeswhich even begins to worry your own mirrorand nose. Squirrels and birds sense your sadnessand call an important conference in a tall…

  • SanghaOfOne.com


    A non-commercial, no nonsense sharing/invitation, to wake up to the gift of simply being. A labor of love to risk friendship, synchronicity and fun-da-mental insight into the nature of reality. Life is more than paying bills and neurotic thinking 🤔.

  • Nonduality of…

    Nonduality Explained in four Ways: What, exactly, is not-two?

  • Why is WHY irrelevant?

    Why is WHY irrelevant?

    ChatGPT: In essence, the concept of “why” implies a separation between the self and the rest of existence, which contradicts the non-dual understanding of reality as an indivisible whole. Therefore, in non-dual philosophy, the question of “why” is often considered irrelevant or misleading in the context of understanding the ultimate nature of reality.

  • Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Love, not in an idealized way(pleasure/expectation) but simply the openness of not hating, not blaming, not judging. (Roger on love) Not judging or blaming yourself. Love as the debunking of psychological identity. Not as a goal for someone to…

  • One Song

    One Song

    nama rupa = names and forms

  • Word-less, Thought-less

    Word-less, Thought-less

    “… there must come a time when thought stops, a blank comes, almost a vacuum, and then into that vacuum rushes the very presence and power of God.”

  • The most difficult…

    The most difficult…

    … thing in the world to do—is just to Be.