Magdi Badawy used this phrase during a Satsang in February 2024, to express how we are being conditioned into limiting beliefs. I deeply resonate with “transmission of ignorance” and registered the domain name; it sounds like a book title to me.
Please hear what I am not saying
“Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear for I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off, and none of them is me.”
David Hoffmeister: the meaning of relationship
Simply see that what you are attempting to “hold together” is only a hallucination.
Through grace, some are shown reality.
Each generation, born in innocence, is unwittingly educated in untruth from birth.
What is Your Life’s Purpose?
Episode 47: Amoda Maa. “if you’re really true to what is true in you, life supports you.”
Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson | TED
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.