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Category: Rupert Spira

  • The purpose of non-dual spirituality

    The purpose of non-dual spirituality

    “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot

  • SanghaOfOne.com


    A non-commercial, no nonsense sharing/invitation, to wake up to the gift of simply being. A labor of love to risk friendship, synchronicity and fun-da-mental insight into the nature of reality. Life is more than paying bills and neurotic thinking 🤔.

  • Give to Caesar, Give to God…

    Give to Caesar, Give to God…

    Physics belongs to Caesar. Nonduality belongs to God. We have to keep these 2 separate, and as a result, the heart problem of consciousness belongs to God forever. // … until everything we do everything we think everything we feel becomes an experiment in truth.

  • Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    “Is there a way of explaining creation from a non-dual perspective? A man who says he grew up with the creation myths from the catholic tradition asks Rupert if there is a similar story within the non-dual traditions. Rupert says yes — it’s called Mary and Jane. Within Mary’s mind there lies all possible dreams,…

  • Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    In this guided meditation Rupert draws on the wisdom of the Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, whose philosophy of being, emphasises the importance of living without mental constructs. Without these constructs being can be described as both empty and full. Peace arises from this emptiness, while happiness stems from its fullness. By removing the limiting layers…