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Category: Dead

  • Observing the root of fear

    Observing the root of fear

    Is it possible for the mind to empty itself totally of fear? Fear of any kind breeds illusion; it makes the mind dull, shallow. Where there is fear there is obviously no freedom, and without freedom there is no love at all.

  • Jean Klein: Would you speak about fear?

    Jean Klein: Would you speak about fear?

    “The pure sensation of fear is only tension. Tension arises the moment you look at a situation from the point of view of an image, of a man or woman, of a mother or father, of somebody’s husband or wife, and the tension stimulates chemical, physical and psychic changes in the body-mind. But this tension…

  • Inner Life by Grace

    Inner Life by Grace

    “In such a realization, now are we under divine Grace. All of the time that existed before this minute is wiped out. So far as we are concerned, there are no benefits from the past, because in this now we need nothing from the past. We have the fullness of the Godhead bodily in us…

  • THE FOUNDATION OF RELIGION of dogmas or beliefs

    THE FOUNDATION OF RELIGION of dogmas or beliefs

    “To live for the Self within is to live for all, for the Self is one and indivisible.”

  • One Song

    One Song

    nama rupa = names and forms

  • Word-less, Thought-less

    Word-less, Thought-less

    “… there must come a time when thought stops, a blank comes, almost a vacuum, and then into that vacuum rushes the very presence and power of God.”

  • you are trying too hard

    you are trying too hard

    you are trying too hard “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.  I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice…

  • Soul and body as one

    Soul and body as one

    “Albert Einstein’s contemplation on the limitations of human understanding in the face of the universe’s mysteries and his admiration for Spinoza’s Pantheism encapsulate a profound perspective on the nature of existence.”

  • A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth…

    A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth…

    “… and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.”

  • Quiet mind, simple mind

    Quiet mind, simple mind

    Quiet mind, simple mind Jiddu Krishnamurti When we are aware of ourselves, is not the whole movement of living a way of uncovering the “me,” the ego, the self? The self is a very complex process which can be uncovered only in relationship, in our daily activities, in the way we talk, the way we judge,…