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Meister Eckhart Podcast #1
Meister Eckhart’s writings present a complex and challenging vision of the divine, emphasizing the transcendence of God, the immanence of God in the soul, and the call for a radical detachment as the path to union with God. His work remains a powerful source of inspiration and contemplation for those seeking a deeper understanding of…
The senses are the immediate gates of direct perception
There is only open, non-dual awareness. That is the nature of the mind. That is rigpa.
Be What You Are
“Limitations are merely constructs of language. … embracing the present moment and livingness, free from the distractions of negative thoughts and perceived problems. Awareness of sensations and the now leads to clarity, highlighting that thoughts about past or future are mental constructs.”
“This capacity of the conceptual mind to model direct experience, though of inestimable value to us as humans, is the cause of one of the most insistent obstacles in practice. ”
non-directive skill
“So the way I look at it, the first step in responsibility is separation. That means separation of the essential from the details; of my energies from the forms they take; of the essence from the personality.”
Ultimately, understanding and transcending the “me-virus” can lead to greater peace, freedom, and a deeper sense of connection with oneself, others, and the world.
here-ing &
“No activity or inactivity of the mind will make the peace of our true nature more or less present than it is in this very moment.”