Tag: by Ralph
Thought as a System – David Bohm
David Bohm’s “Thought as a System” offers a powerful and provocative perspective on the role of thought in shaping our individual and collective experiences…
Actuality of Reality (Peter Brown)
“…all human knowledge is inherently inaccurate because reality, which he terms “actuality,” cannot be grasped through concepts or language. He proposes a method of direct, non-conceptual engagement with experience to understand actuality, emphasizing the importance of abandoning preconceived categories like body, mind, and time.”
Ten Patiences of the Bodhisattva
Thank you Ralph! I used your text as a resource to generate the following podcast via NoteBookLM.google.com
The purpose of non-dual spirituality
“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot
acim: an attack upon myself
“…After you have named each outcome of which you are afraid, tell yourself…”
Please hear what I am not saying
“Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear for I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off, and none of them is me.”
the fact of your own being
“That presence of awareness is non-conceptual. You don’t have to hold a concept about it. It’s ever fresh because it has no beginning and no end. It is self-shining like the sun. It shines of itself. It doesn’t need a light to say ‘I am shining’. And that is what it is, just that which…
NOW is the only “time” one is ever concerned with.
THINKING ACTS LIKE A VEIL Look at a flower. We see it now. We behold its form now. We are aware of the flower, right here, right now…
A drink of Love ❤️
Thank you Ralph! I know the way you can getwhen you have not had a drink of Love: Your face hardens,your sweet muscles cramp.children become concernedabout a strange look that appears in your eyeswhich even begins to worry your own mirrorand nose. Squirrels and birds sense your sadnessand call an important conference in a tall…
David Hoffmeister: the meaning of relationship
Simply see that what you are attempting to “hold together” is only a hallucination.