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Tag: God

  • Carnal mind

    Carnal mind

    This was “George” while I studied Bodywork.

  • Not-Knowing / God / Presence

    Not-Knowing / God / Presence

    “I rest in God.” This thought will bring to you the rest and quiet, peace and stillness, and the safety and the happiness you seek. “I rest in God.” This thought has power to wake the sleeping truth in you, whose vision sees beyond appearances to that same truth in everyone and everything there is.…

  • Knowledge puffs up

    Knowledge puffs up

    “… if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. (3) But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.”

  • Word-less, Thought-less

    Word-less, Thought-less

    “… there must come a time when thought stops, a blank comes, almost a vacuum, and then into that vacuum rushes the very presence and power of God.”

  • Soul and body as one

    Soul and body as one

    “Albert Einstein’s contemplation on the limitations of human understanding in the face of the universe’s mysteries and his admiration for Spinoza’s Pantheism encapsulate a profound perspective on the nature of existence.”

  • Ramana: Ever-blissful, Self-existent, the Infinite now.

    Ramana: Ever-blissful, Self-existent, the Infinite now.

    “De-hypnotize yourself! It is ego which deludes itself that there are two selves, one which we are conscious of now [the person] and the other, the higher, the Divine, of which we shall one day become conscious.”

  • Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    “Is there a way of explaining creation from a non-dual perspective? A man who says he grew up with the creation myths from the catholic tradition asks Rupert if there is a similar story within the non-dual traditions. Rupert says yes — it’s called Mary and Jane. Within Mary’s mind there lies all possible dreams,…

  • Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    In this guided meditation Rupert draws on the wisdom of the Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, whose philosophy of being, emphasises the importance of living without mental constructs. Without these constructs being can be described as both empty and full. Peace arises from this emptiness, while happiness stems from its fullness. By removing the limiting layers…