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Tag: Mind

  • Roger Castillo Satsang: Knowing oneself never happens in the head

    Roger Castillo Satsang: Knowing oneself never happens in the head

    The text presents a compelling argument for shifting our focus from external achievements to internal awareness and acceptance. It challenges conventional ideas about happiness, urging us to question our ingrained patterns of thought and behavior. The path to peace, according to this perspective, involves understanding that we are not defined by outcomes, and by resting…

  • THE NEW MIND WISDOM – Candice ODenver

    THE NEW MIND WISDOM – Candice ODenver

    The text introduces a compelling approach to personal transformation through the practice of simple rest, non-judgment, and the recognition of our inherent freedom. By understanding the nature of “old mind” and cultivating the open awareness of “new mind,” one can experience a deep and lasting sense of well-being that is both timeless and available to…

  • Observing the root of fear

    Observing the root of fear

    Is it possible for the mind to empty itself totally of fear? Fear of any kind breeds illusion; it makes the mind dull, shallow. Where there is fear there is obviously no freedom, and without freedom there is no love at all.

  • Start with the only reality you are absolutely certain of…

    Start with the only reality you are absolutely certain of…

    “So you see that these thoughts coming up are nothing but the activity of that intelligence-energy. They are not attached anywhere. Knowing the truth about them, they’ll move on. Life continues to function without that self-centered activity.” Sailor Bob Adamson

  • Without love and understanding

    Without love and understanding

    The question may naturally arise: How to invite love and understanding? And then we are back at the garden, soaking as causeless peace.

  • Soul and body as one

    Soul and body as one

    “Albert Einstein’s contemplation on the limitations of human understanding in the face of the universe’s mysteries and his admiration for Spinoza’s Pantheism encapsulate a profound perspective on the nature of existence.”

  • Ramana: Ever-blissful, Self-existent, the Infinite now.

    Ramana: Ever-blissful, Self-existent, the Infinite now.

    “De-hypnotize yourself! It is ego which deludes itself that there are two selves, one which we are conscious of now [the person] and the other, the higher, the Divine, of which we shall one day become conscious.”

  • me-virus.com


    Ultimately, understanding and transcending the “me-virus” can lead to greater peace, freedom, and a deeper sense of connection with oneself, others, and the world.

  • Open listening and thinking about myself

    Open listening and thinking about myself

    But then we realize how conditioned the mind is. How it personalizes every experience. The me-virus: What’s gonna happen to me, to my loved ones, to my tribe, to the world?!

  • AFE = Action-Figure Energy

    AFE = Action-Figure Energy

    It was great fun when the acronym AFE came up in a zoom with Nina.