“My kingdom is not of this world.”
Contemporary language:
My real peace is independent of circumstances
(people, places, things, thoughts and feelings).
Peace is simply the absence of suffering;
happiness arises naturally in the presence of peace.
Suffering is 10% faulty thinking
and 90% muscle-memory.
This type of “talking” potentially
infuriates the personal-me.
This sharing here is not about replacing
old beliefs and hopes with new ones!
It is not about mental struggle.
Read this post here again, gently.
Be aware of the reading itself.
We are too easily distracted
by thoughts and feelings.
😇 🙏🏻 🥰
All my words as a draft.
I’d love to hear from you!
Not to be smart or clever, but to
welcome the gift of in-team-a-see.
“Examine yourself”, proof me wrong ❤️.
It is always a win-win.
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