“Then give back to
Luke 20:25
Caesar what is Caesar’s,
and to God what is God’s.”
“That’s also that’s a misuse of, of science. Quantum mechanics doesn’t tell us that at all. It may be one of the interpretations, but we don’t have a satisfactory interpretation of, quantum mechanics.
So that that place also that’s also a mistake. I think we have to give back to God what belong to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Physics belongs to Caesar. Nonduality belongs to God. We have to keep these 2 separate, and as a result, the heart problem of consciousness belongs to God forever.
And the content of consciousness, yes, there is a place for neuroscience. Nice. Okay. Sincerely, last few things. Any do you have any questions still about the nature of reality in any way that remain to be answered, Rupert? (Francis)”

the truth is efficient only
to the extent that
it touches our heart
and our intelligence
through this understanding
Tangent (same talk):
the real Guru is not the the piece of born and flesh in front of us the piece of born and flesh is just uh an instrument through which the truth appears to us and the truth is efficient only to the extent that it touches our heart and our intelligence through this understanding so it’s a very general field of experimentation and up until everything we do everything we think everything we feel becomes an experiment in truth so there is no ending to The Experiment it’s just that experimenting becomes our constant uh modest operand so to speak. (sorry for the messy, unedited text 😉
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