Tag: awareness
The purpose of non-dual spirituality
“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot
Start with the only reality you are absolutely certain of…
“So you see that these thoughts coming up are nothing but the activity of that intelligence-energy. They are not attached anywhere. Knowing the truth about them, they’ll move on. Life continues to function without that self-centered activity.” Sailor Bob Adamson
Give to Caesar, Give to God…
Physics belongs to Caesar. Nonduality belongs to God. We have to keep these 2 separate, and as a result, the heart problem of consciousness belongs to God forever. // … until everything we do everything we think everything we feel becomes an experiment in truth.
Nothing Else Matters
“We are simply awareness – pure, infinite, and wide open. Our nature is to be unconditionally kind, honest, wise, and sincere, tender, affectionate, sensitive, and compassionate, without reservation, right now. It’s the most natural thing in the world, and there is nothing real in the way. Everywhere is your home. Everyone is your lover, your…
About Love
“Why does mankind resort to ugliness when it surely compounds his problem? Why doesn’t he try gentleness and tenderness when its effectiveness is so apparent? Here is why: he interprets something he must do or something someone should do for him. But Love is not a doing; it is a being. It is effortless, because…
Ultimately, understanding and transcending the “me-virus” can lead to greater peace, freedom, and a deeper sense of connection with oneself, others, and the world.
Belief vs Experience…
Not to open a can of worms, but/however: What is missing? What is more important? Please comment, like, subscribe (-;
I am or I am?
Please don’t just rush over those simple words, but read them again, maybe several times. What we are seeking, what we are longing for is always present, we just tend to overlook the significance of our ordinary Awareness; we are mesmerized but the content of experiences, and overlook the one aware of those appearances.