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NOW is the only “time” one is ever concerned with.
THINKING ACTS LIKE A VEIL Look at a flower. We see it now. We behold its form now. We are aware of the flower, right here, right now…
Love your neighbor as yourself.
“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Love, not in an idealized way(pleasure/expectation) but simply the openness of not hating, not blaming, not judging. (Roger on love) Not judging or blaming yourself. Love as the debunking of psychological identity. Not as a goal for someone to…
About Love
“Why does mankind resort to ugliness when it surely compounds his problem? Why doesn’t he try gentleness and tenderness when its effectiveness is so apparent? Here is why: he interprets something he must do or something someone should do for him. But Love is not a doing; it is a being. It is effortless, because…
Living the current of Love
The inspiration for came from Magdi’s Satsang 02-11-2024.