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Category: LiveSatsang.com

  • Roger Castillo Satsang: Knowing oneself never happens in the head

    Roger Castillo Satsang: Knowing oneself never happens in the head

    The text presents a compelling argument for shifting our focus from external achievements to internal awareness and acceptance. It challenges conventional ideas about happiness, urging us to question our ingrained patterns of thought and behavior. The path to peace, according to this perspective, involves understanding that we are not defined by outcomes, and by resting…

  • SanghaOfOne.com


    A non-commercial, no nonsense sharing/invitation, to wake up to the gift of simply being. A labor of love to risk friendship, synchronicity and fun-da-mental insight into the nature of reality. Life is more than paying bills and neurotic thinking 🤔.

  • About this website ❤️
  • Save the veils (draft 1)?

    Save the veils (draft 1)?

    A letter to a new Zoom friend, but also to you. It is so precious to meet with truth lovers; to learn how to use words in service of celebration, sharing and practicalities…