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Category: Alive

  • the fact of your own being

    the fact of your own being

    “Sailor Bob Adamson stresses that the search for truth or God should begin with the undeniable fact of one’s own being. He explores the non-dual nature of awareness, emphasizing that concepts of mind and ego are illusions rooted in dualistic thinking. True understanding is realized by seeing through these concepts, recognizing the omnipresence and timeless…

  • THE FOUNDATION OF RELIGION of dogmas or beliefs

    THE FOUNDATION OF RELIGION of dogmas or beliefs

    “To live for the Self within is to live for all, for the Self is one and indivisible.”

  • Give to Caesar, Give to God…

    Give to Caesar, Give to God…

    Physics belongs to Caesar. Nonduality belongs to God. We have to keep these 2 separate, and as a result, the heart problem of consciousness belongs to God forever. // … until everything we do everything we think everything we feel becomes an experiment in truth.

  • What Is Reality?
  • Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Love, not in an idealized way(pleasure/expectation) but simply the openness of not hating, not blaming, not judging. (Roger on love) Not judging or blaming yourself. Love as the debunking of psychological identity. Not as a goal for someone to…

  • Who’s the ‘doer’, Who am I?

    Who’s the ‘doer’, Who am I?

    The video provides insights into spiritual concepts and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with a sense of peace and understanding.

  • Open listening and thinking about myself

    Open listening and thinking about myself

    But then we realize how conditioned the mind is. How it personalizes every experience. The me-virus: What’s gonna happen to me, to my loved ones, to my tribe, to the world?!

  • Sexier words?

    Sexier words?

    Wicked and righteous are two polarities on the spectrum of personhood…

  • Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet? Playfully drawing some mental images. “Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than getting the right idea.” Ed Catmull (Pixar and Walt Disney) Being in the world with a playful, loving attitude;to leave the place a little better than I found it.

  • Anna: “Ego” idea/concept

    Anna: “Ego” idea/concept

    Anna: “Ego” idea/concept Thank you Deanna for this excerpt! This is from another you/me-Anna Brown: “Today, I would like to take a moment to write about the idea and concept called “ego” and how this idea can bind you into the belief and mirage that something else is controlling you other than your own assumptions.…