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Category: Alive

  • Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet? Playfully drawing some mental images. “Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than getting the right idea.” Ed Catmull (Pixar and Walt Disney) Being in the world with a playful, loving attitude;to leave the place a little better than I found it.

  • Anna: “Ego” idea/concept

    Anna: “Ego” idea/concept

    Anna: “Ego” idea/concept Thank you Deanna for this excerpt! This is from another you/me-Anna Brown: “Today, I would like to take a moment to write about the idea and concept called “ego” and how this idea can bind you into the belief and mirage that something else is controlling you other than your own assumptions.…

  • Living the current of Love

    Living the current of Love

    The inspiration for CurrentOfLove.com came from Magdi’s Satsang 02-11-2024.

  • What is Your Life’s Purpose?

    What is Your Life’s Purpose?

    Episode 47: Amoda Maa. “if you’re really true to what is true in you, life supports you.”

  • Belief vs Experience…

    Belief vs Experience…

    Not to open a can of worms, but/however: What is missing? What is more important? Please comment, like, subscribe (-;

  • The primary Immune System…

    The primary Immune System…

    … on all levels – mind, body, and emotions. ::: How the Presence of “I Am” is the Foundation of Harmony, Well-Being and Immunity | Amoda Maa

  • The most difficult…

    The most difficult…

    … thing in the world to do—is just to Be.

  • I am or I am?

    I am or I am?

    Please don’t just rush over those simple words, but read them again, maybe several times. What we are seeking, what we are longing for is always present, we just tend to overlook the significance of our ordinary Awareness; we are mesmerized but the content of experiences, and overlook the one aware of those appearances.

  • Trickster thought!

    Trickster thought!

    A wonderful live Satsang with Magdi. Read and listen the meditation portion; and find a link to the complete Youtube recording.

  • Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    Wonderful Rupert Video – Analogies of Non-Dual Manifestation

    “Is there a way of explaining creation from a non-dual perspective? A man who says he grew up with the creation myths from the catholic tradition asks Rupert if there is a similar story within the non-dual traditions. Rupert says yes — it’s called Mary and Jane. Within Mary’s mind there lies all possible dreams,…