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Category: Second-hand

  • Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Love, not in an idealized way(pleasure/expectation) but simply the openness of not hating, not blaming, not judging. (Roger on love) Not judging or blaming yourself. Love as the debunking of psychological identity. Not as a goal for someone to…

  • One Song

    One Song

    nama rupa = names and forms

  • Edgar Mitchell “What is Consciousness?”
  • you are trying too hard

    you are trying too hard

    you are trying too hard “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.  I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice…

  • About Love

    About Love

    “Why does mankind resort to ugliness when it surely compounds his problem? Why doesn’t he try gentleness and tenderness when its effectiveness is so apparent? Here is why: he interprets something he must do or something someone should do for him. But Love is not a doing; it is a being. It is effortless, because…

  • Who’s the ‘doer’, Who am I?

    Who’s the ‘doer’, Who am I?

    The video provides insights into spiritual concepts and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with a sense of peace and understanding.

  • Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet?

    Profit, people, and planet? Playfully drawing some mental images. “Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than getting the right idea.” Ed Catmull (Pixar and Walt Disney) Being in the world with a playful, loving attitude;to leave the place a little better than I found it.

  • What is Your Life’s Purpose?

    What is Your Life’s Purpose?

    Episode 47: Amoda Maa. “if you’re really true to what is true in you, life supports you.”

  • The primary Immune System…

    The primary Immune System…

    … on all levels – mind, body, and emotions. ::: How the Presence of “I Am” is the Foundation of Harmony, Well-Being and Immunity | Amoda Maa

  • The most difficult…

    The most difficult…

    … thing in the world to do—is just to Be.