Word-less, Thought-less
“It is possible to think and think on truth–and up to a certain point that is normal, natural, and right–but then there must come a time when thought stops, a blank comes, almost a vacuum, and then into that vacuum rushes the very presence and power of God. We can only come into that Presence stark naked, in a moment of complete silence, when the entire thought processes have stopped, when we have nothing upon which to rely, nothing on which to pin our hopes, but when we have made ourselves barren and completely empty.
That is the moment when we perceive that, even when we cannot know It or feel It or think It, there is an invisible Presence, an intangible Something, which nevertheless is operating, and then from that very Invisibility will come into expression everything necessary to our unfoldment.
…It is only when we come to that place of self-renunciation that the divine Selfhood of our own being reveals Itself. Silence is the way.”
Joel S. Goldsmith, The Thunder of Silence, page 22
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