Be angry and do not sin
And you should put on the new man,
who has been created by God
in righteousness and in the purity of the truth.
25 Therefore, put aside from you
lying and let a man speak the truth with his neighbor,
for we are members one of another.
26 Be angry and do not sin,
and do not let the sun set on your anger.
Thank you Lorri,
for sharing this today at the Garden.
Funny also, that we talked
about Jim Newman.
God not as “another”,
but the Presence of “I don’t know”
as which I am aware of personhood.
Truth = that which never changes,
that which doesn’t come nor go.
Sin = being misidentified as a personal doer.
The me-belief as the lie of separation.
Pure anger leaves no trace
in the light of Awareness.

This type of “talking” potentially
infuriates the personal-me.
This sharing here is not about replacing
old beliefs and hopes with new ones!
It is not about mental struggle.
Read this post here again, gently.
Be aware of the reading itself.
We are too easily distracted
by thoughts and feelings.
😇 🙏🏻 🥰
All my words as a draft.
I’d love to hear from you!
Not to be smart or clever, but to
welcome the gift of in-team-a-see.
“Examine yourself”, proof me wrong ❤️.
It is always a win-win.
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