Author: Holger
Without love and understanding
The question may naturally arise: How to invite love and understanding? And then we are back at the garden, soaking as causeless peace.
Knowledge puffs up
“… if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. (3) But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.”
Domestic Disappointment
George coined the term: Domestic Disappointment at one of our meetings! Please stay tuned ❤️ “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
ACIM: The Message of the Crucifixion
“The crucifixion is nothing more than an extreme example. Its value, like the value of any teaching device, lies solely in the kind of learning it facilitates. It can be, and has been, misunderstood. This is only because the fearful are apt to perceive fearfully.”
All given to us in silence, in meditation!
At one point I could see how limited ‘my’ understanding is, together with the gift that I don’t need to define myself as someone, in order to be.
My kingdom is not of this world
Contemporary language: My real peace is independent of circumstances (people, places, things, thoughts and feelings).