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Category: Alive

  • Instead of hustling for more, we’re focusing for better.

    Instead of hustling for more, we’re focusing for better.

    “To niche up, identify the smallest group of people that would be enough to sustain the project. That group, the group you get to choose, what do they have in common? What do they want? What would they miss if it disappeared…”

  • Relationship between attention and consciousness?

    Relationship between attention and consciousness?

    ChatGPT: Francis explains that attention naturally flows without a specific goal in mind, while focus occurs when there is a specific objective. He uses the analogy of moving your hand and moving your attention to illustrate that the background of awareness remains constant. Francis emphasizes that thoughts and decisions are cosmic events, challenging the notion…

  • Save the veils (draft 1)?

    Save the veils (draft 1)?

    A letter to a new Zoom friend, but also to you. It is so precious to meet with truth lovers; to learn how to use words in service of celebration, sharing and practicalities…

  • Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being

    In this guided meditation Rupert draws on the wisdom of the Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, whose philosophy of being, emphasises the importance of living without mental constructs. Without these constructs being can be described as both empty and full. Peace arises from this emptiness, while happiness stems from its fullness. By removing the limiting layers…

  • Mind map: Thinkyness.com

    Mind map: Thinkyness.com

    I love mind maps:“Structure supports spontaneity.” Freely view and request edit access, to contribute to this website:https://mm.tt/app/map/3123576600?t=jcqdKO3wth