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To me this website is more like a huge virtual box (or empty workshop), into which we can throw all the mental treasures/pointers we find. Taxonomies (categories and tags) can help to bundle things, to “make some sense”. The whole thing is a work in progress, a labor of love, an inner unfoldment, unveiling, unlearning:
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Holger: I heard “thinkyness” from Ralph ❤️ during a Zoom call.
Thinking itself is not a problem; it only gets confused and restless when we are misidentified, when we mix up “me” and “I am”.
The sense of personal doership and attachment to outcome is the root of all suffering. Once we see/feel/allow the me-chanism we call “normal”, unhappiness loses its audience.
5 min 10 min ACIM Ai – artificial intelligence attention awakening awareness belief Bible by Ralph conditioning consciousness creativity effortless ego Ephesians Experience fear fun God grace Happiness humility I AM identity inspiration Love Mind Mind-body dualism Mr. Jesus Oneness Peace Person podcast presence scripture suffering Time and space trickster truth understanding universe video world yourself
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[…] acim: an attack upon myself ←Too simple? […]
The liberating understanding is both at the mind level and at the somatic sensory level. Living the understanding until the…
[…] Thinking in essence is Awareness […]
[…] Why is WHY irrelevant? […]
Yes Holger Words don’t mean PEOPLE mean 😢 Once humans Re-Call & again Re-Cognize this Communication will be easier and…
Wonderful points! Thank you 1 Corinthians 13: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have…
[…] this (knowledge puffs up) and asked ChatGPT for some form of mechanical […]
The crucifixion represents both horizontality and verticality. In horizontality, there is transformation and death. In verticality, there is life eternal…
Yes to what is shared here, keeping in mind that the ‘infuriation’ of the (so-called) personal me is the play…
Wonderful! Beautiful! Necessary! Thank you!
As we drop our psychological past and future, as we step out of time, the timeless reveals itself inviting us…
Note to self (as of 02-2024)
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to not drown in lifeless/empty words.
To encourage first-hand writing/sharing.
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Meeting truth-lovers is priceless! Please feel welcome at the
Why do you run around
looking for the truth? -
here-ing &
About this website ❤️
Instead of hustling for more, we’re focusing for better.
Looking at fear like an extraordinary jewel
Relationship between attention and consciousness?
Worm for Adam
its own recognizance
Save the veils (draft 1)?
Too simple?
Guided Meditation: Peace and Happiness are the Shining of Being
Mind map:
that of yourself which you yet know not of
[…] here is a briefing document summarizing the key themes and ideas from the provided text, with supporting […]